Activity 2. Reflection

PANINGSORO, Anne Roselle T. - Activity 2. Reflection

PANINGSORO, Anne Roselle T. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Anne Roselle Paningsoro -
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Activity 2. Reflection

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

  • One of the most difficult challenges I will face in applying what I have learned in anatomy is the problem of quickly forgetting or mixing everything I have learned. Some of the things I've been studying have striking similarities, which causes me to need clarification when I try to apply them in actual situations. Furthermore, I find it difficult to study everything virtually and rely on the images on the internet's resources. This is difficult for me because I learn best when I can see what I'm learning in real life.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

  • I must learn that understanding is more significant than memorizing to overcome these challenges. Understanding complex functions of anatomy and physiology allow me to avoid mixing concepts and simplify my life a little. Because studying anatomy requires significant dedication and time, I must establish my priorities while learning. It may appear exhausting, but repetition can help me remember everything I've learned. This allows me to gain a better understanding of the concepts and avoid forgetting them. In terms of finding it difficult to study virtually, I need to practice visualizing structures internally rather than simply looking at them. There are also resources on social media platforms like YouTube that allow me to see what organs look like in real life. Practicing with real images and connecting the structure to functions may help me overcome this challenge.