Activity 2. Reflection

ESCALANTE, Kirsten Bernice G. - Activity 2. Reflection

ESCALANTE, Kirsten Bernice G. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Kirsten Bernice Escalante -
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  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

  • There are two major challenges that I can think of. The first challenge is retaining every information in both the anatomy and physiology of the human body. I personally have trouble  memorizing things since the pandemic happened. And that is what I worry about our subject, because every concept in each body system needs to be imprinted in our minds and hearts, as this is one of the most important knowledge that we should gain to help us in career in the future. The other thing that I think would be a challenge is applying my learnings in a real-life situation. I was not able to learn anatomy and physiology in face-to-face classes, which means that I was not able to experience seeing and dissecting real organs as well as getting a hold of other stuffs needed in our subject like skeleton figures and the like. I'm afraid of misapplying my knowledge because I wasn't exposed to it.

  1. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

  • I’ve always believed that every challenge comes with ways to overcome it. To retain the lessons we’ve tackled, I will use flash cards and printed images of the anatomy of the human body, as these are the learning materials that work for me. But, of course, one review of our lessons is not enough to store them in my long-term memory. That’s why, aside from using these techniques, I will also rehearse the lessons by writing them down and reading them more often. And to remove or somehow lessen my worries about my inability to turn my learnings into actions in the future, I plan to look for other learning materials outside of the textbook, such as downloading apps that accurately show the anatomy of each body part and browsing reliable sources from the internet to expand my knowledge about this matter.