Activity 2. Reflection



by Mikyla Guisihan -
Number of replies: 0
  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

    • The major challenge I will encounter in learning about anatomy, aside from memorizing the body parts, is seeing the bigger picture of the interconnectedness of each body system. As I have learned more about anatomy, I have come to realize that although each body system functions differently, they work together for us to be able to perform our daily activities healthily and freely, as well as to maintain life. If one of the parts has malfunctioned, the whole system, or even the other systems, can be affected and might lead to disorders or diseases. Alongside this is applying the knowledge that I have in practicing healthcare. Even though we are knowledgeable about the parts and functions of our body, it is still a challenge since we only learned this course individually online, and more so, we only learned it in a short time frame. 

  2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

    • I also believe in the quote, “learning is a continuous process.”  With that in mind, I will overcome this challenge by continuing to study anatomy and physiology, even after completing this course. In this manner, I can “master” or become more proficient than I am when I’m studying the course material in a limited time frame. It will also allow me to grow and know the lessons by heart and remind me that I’m learning this course not only for the sake of passing with a high grade but rather to be a more knowledgeable health practitioner in the future. Furthermore, this course can help build a stronger foundation in nursing. As future nurses, we should first know the functionality of each body system and its parts before providing patient care—which we'll be encountering in the succeeding years.