Activity 1. The Food Journey

SOMATIZA, Thea M._Activity 1

SOMATIZA, Thea M._Activity 1

by Thea Somatiza -
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Activity 1

1. How the food changes consistency and form

  • One of the most mesmerizing processes that our body could exhibit is what we call, digestion. It is the process of breaking down food and drink into their smallest components so that the body may use them to grow and nourish cells and produce energy. The food changes its consistency and forms through the different parts of the digestive system. First part of the process is when food enters our mouth and we start chewing the food. The biochemical process, hydrolysis occurs and the food is then transformed into a bolus. After, it is directed to the esophagus which will propel the bolus to the stomach. The stomach performs a lot of actions as churning and hydrolysis occurs to form a chyme. Lastly, the small and large intestines are present in the digestive system to exhibit absorption. Afterwards, it is passed through the rectum which serves as a storage and later on, expels the food.

2. How the body was able to absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat.

  • The chunk of absorption of nutrients occurs through one of our body's digestive organs, the small intestine.Villi are tiny finger-like projections found in the small intestine. These villi enhance the surface area, allowing for better food absorption. Many blood arteries are located within these villi, which absorb the digested food. The nutrients digested are absorbed into the bloodstream via the lining of the small intestine. Then, the blood delivers the nutrients to the rest of our body.