Activity 2. Reflection

LAYUG, Sheilliena Yasmine B. - Activity 2. Reflection

LAYUG, Sheilliena Yasmine B. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Sheilliena Yasmine Layug -
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1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

  • The tremendous amount of information that must be internalized and memorized is likely to be the greatest obstacle I will face when applying what I have learnt in anatomy. Even if you focus only on the most critical elements, the amount of information is challenging. An additional significant obstacle is that anatomy and physiology is based on latin and greek words; for instance, when the previous system's vocabulary is all about latin and the next system's vocabulary is all about greek, I must first familiarize myself with and develop the new vocabulary in order to fully comprehend it.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

  • I intend to overcome this obstacle by establishing a good study routine by devoting three to four hours per day to reviewing information from the previous lecture and preparing for the next. In addition, I will break each chapter into manageable chunks, go over review questions in online textbooks, use online flash cards or memory tools to test my memory daily, ask for assistance and study with fellow students, and ingrain in my mind that the information I acquire will be applied in saving and making a life, long and worthwhile.