Activity 2. Reflection

RIVERA, Diana May M. - Activity 2. Reflection

RIVERA, Diana May M. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Diana May Rivera -
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1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

The major challenge that I think I will encounter when applying the things I learned from anatomy would be forgetting or mixing up some essential information. As anatomy covers several systems and structures in the human body, it is difficult to master everything in this subject. 


2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

To overcome this challenge, I plan to create a study schedule and dedicate at least one hour each day to studying or reviewing some of the lessons. In this way, I will get to repeat the structures and their functions and most likely remember them in the long term. In addition, to memorize more efficiently, I scheme to use visual aids and abbreviations. Moreover, I also intend to test myself by answering anatomy-related quizzes online or redoing my laboratory worksheets without help from any references.