Activity 2. Reflection

SUMIRAN, Kailene Audrie D. - Activity 2: Reflection

SUMIRAN, Kailene Audrie D. - Activity 2: Reflection

by Kailene Audrie Sumiran -
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What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

In my personal experience of this course, I believe that due to information overload, all the topics were very complex to comprehend. You will never thoroughly memorize every specific detail due to a bunch of information. Due to the fast-paced shift of every body system weekly, I assume I will easily forget some of the concepts and specific parts of each structure that we have discussed. Moreover, the lack of implementation of more hands-on activities in real life particularly laboratory activities, will give me a hard time in the future.

What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

I should exert more effort in studying and comprehending all the concepts. In doing so, I would also recall all the information discussed by going through all the references and videos discussed. Familiarize myself more with specific parts or structures of different body systems. Forgive myself at times that I will never be able to memorize each and every detail per body system. Within all the challenges of AnaPhy, I believe that I have the passion and determination to overcome any challenges. Eventually, there will always be a never-ending challenge, but I remind myself that with every challenge, there is room for success.