Activity 1. The Food Journey

TAN, Alyssa Mariz P. - Activity 1. The Food Journey

TAN, Alyssa Mariz P. - Activity 1. The Food Journey

by Alyssa Mariz Tan -
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1. How the food changes consistency and form

When eating, food first enters the mouth. We then break this down into smaller pieces by chewing. In order to help with the breakdown, hydrolysis occurs in order to create a bolus and be easily swallowed. After swallowing this, it then travels down the esophagus and enters the stomach. Once in the stomach, the bolus that has reached the stomach would undergo churning and hydrolysis in order to break it down into smaller pieces. As a result of the churning and hydrolysis that occurs, chyme would be produced which would be transferred to the small intestine. While in the small intestine, hydrolysis would then take place once more. This is where the absorption of nutrients starts which is used for nutrition to make other products in our bodies. It then proceeds to go through the large intestine or the colon and absorbs water, ions, or vitamins. And finally, when it is time to expel the food, it comes out through the anus as feces through expulsion. 

 2. How the body was able to absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat

The absorption of the nutrients from the foods we eat mostly happens when the food enters the small intestine such as carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, and vitamins. It is then passed all throughout our body either for storage or for use. While on the other hand, the absorption of nutrients also happens in the large intestine, however, only water, ions, or vitamins are absorbed here.