Activity 2

GUILLEN, Corrine Ayesha M. - Activity 2

GUILLEN, Corrine Ayesha M. - Activity 2

by Corrine Ayesha Guillen -
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Choose one concept in our lesson today, give a brief explanation about the concept and cite how would you apply this learning in your everyday life.

One of the concepts in lymphatic system that fascinated me the most would be our body's different mechanisms to protect itself from foreign substances, microbes and pathogens that might cause diseases. For example, the innate immunity has the first and second line of defense that serves as a protective mechanism to fight pathogens that are about to enter and are able to enter the body. The adaptive immunity, on the other hand, has similar work, but it has specificity for particular antigens and is able to distinguish self from non-self molecules. It also has memory for previously encountered antigens in preparation for a rapid immune response if ever the antigen enters the body again. As an aspiring nurse, our lesson in lymphatic system inspires me to take care of my body and other people's bodies more.