TORRES, Bien Troy B. - Activity 1

TORRES, Bien Troy B. - Activity 1

by Bien Troy Torres -
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Activity 1

My Stress Response

Bien Troy B. Torres

Stress helps you meet your daily challenges and motivates you to reach your goals, ultimately making you a smarter, happier, and healthier person. However when you are stressed, what body reactions or clinical manifestations do you often experience? After studying the endocrine system and the stress response, can you explain how these clinical manifestations occur?

Whenever stressed, I experience certain bodily responses such as increased heart rate, muscles tensing up, stress eating, and headaches. 

After studying the endocrine system, I've learned a lot as to how these clinical manifestations occur. Basically, it is the body's homeostatic mechanism to fight off stress. This can be seen when the hypothalamus releases the CTH. The CTH then sends a signal to the pituitary gland to release the ACTH onto the bloodstream of oneself. After this, the ACTH travels to the adrenal glands where it elicits the release of different hormones from the different parts of adrenal glands. 

This phenomenon explains the different ways our body react to stress. For example, whenever I stress eat, my body releases cortisol that increases my appetite. This will help in order for our body to fight off the stressor and maximize the survival rate against it.