Learning Contract for N204

Make a choice

As a UP student nurse, I commit myself to the following:
1. To actively engage in the different learning activities of this course this semester;

2. To answer all assessment tasks required for this course by myself only;

3. To ensure academic honesty by keeping in confidence all my course requirements; will not copy from other students nor share my output to other students;

4. To safekeep my learning modules for my personal use and will not share the same nor the password to my learning management system account to others who are not enrolled in the class and may have self-serving interest;

5. To be careful and conscious not to plagiarize myself and others;

6. To give consent for the use/sharing of my course requirements for official academic and administrative purposes;

7. To regularly communicate with my faculty for updates, clarifications, and feedback; and

8. To uphold the highest standards of ethics and academic honesty and integrity as defined by the University of the Philippines' Code of Student Conduct (2012) and the University of the Philippines Manila's Student Handbook (2019).

I understand that should I violate any of the above provisions, appropriate administrative sanction may be imposed on me after due process. 

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