Research Course Book

Site: UP Manila Virtual Learning Environment
Course: HP 299B FSSy24-25
Book: Research Course Book
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Sunday, 8 September 2024, 9:20 PM


This will serve as your coursebook. The content of this coursebook will be expanded as we move forward towards the end of the course.

1. Introduction to Educational Research

1.1. Value of Research

1.2. Research Process

2. Six Steps 21 Questions

2.1. 21 questions

2.2. Step 1: Define Study Questions

2.3. Step 2: Select Best Study Design

2.4. Step 3: Select Sample and Determine Size

2.5. Step 4: Monitor Data Quality

2.6. Step 5: Decide on Statistics

2.7. Step 6: Plan a Proposal