Laboratory Activities General Guide

1. Formal Report Guide


This activity should help you to:

    • Explain and articulate scientific findings through a written report
    • Practice your skills in technical writing
    • Improve your research skills in identifying relevant references and incorporate these in building a scientific report
    • Present and analyze results and their implications 


1. There wil
l be three (3) formal reports to be submitted in total. (Please refer to Schedule).
2. Formal reports are usually submitted a week after the conduct of the activity. 

Paper Size       :           A4 

Margins            :           0.75” on all sides

Main Font         :           Arial/Tahoma [size 11], 1.15-spaced, justified

                                       *Headings must be in BOLD letters.

Caption Font    :           Arial/Tahoma [minimum size 9]

Abstract is in a single column

Two columns from Introduction to References.

4.     Sections and Corresponding points:

Abstract                                                        15

Keywords                                                       2

Introduction                                                 10

Methods                                                        10

Results and Discussion                             50

Conclusion and Recommendations      10

References                                                     3

                                    TOTAL            100 points

5.     ANY FORM OF PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. The first offense will be given a grade of ZERO for the FR. If repeated (the second offense), an incident report and appropriate disciplinary action will be employed.

Quick FR format can be downloaded here.

Video Guide by Sir Aaron Balana