Course Guide

6. Course Policies

By proceeding with this online class, you agree to the Code of Honor below:

"I will work on the activities on my own without the help of another person, unless said so by the instructor. I will not share course materials made available in the LMS to those who are not enrolled in this subject. I will not make solutions to homework and exams available in any way to other learners. I will not engage in any other activities that will dishonestly improve my results or dishonestly improve or damage the work of others." 

(edited and adopted from

  1. Submit and comply with all course requirements.

  2. Actively participate in group work and discussions through the given LMS platform whether synchronous or asynchronous and requirements.

  3. Politely and respectfully interact with instructors and classmates in all remote platforms.

  4. All major requirements must be completed (i.e. Journal Report, Oral, Report, Mini-proposal) otherwise a grade of DEFERRED will be given. 

  5. All forms of cheating/plagiarism will NOT BE TOLERATED and will merit a grade of 5.0. (Students will not be allowed to drop the course if found guilty.)