Quick Exercise 2: Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids

Opened: Saturday, 4 March 2023, 2:30 PM
Due: Saturday, 18 March 2023, 5:30 PM
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General Instructions
  1. This is an individual activity.
  2. Please answer the questions below on a sheet of paper or what have you. 
  3. Submit your answers in pdf/jpg formats only.
  4. Follow the file naming format: Chem40_QE2_<Section>_<LastName,Initial of First Name>. Example: Chem40_QE2_MHD_LimC


  1. Draw all the 5 nitrogenous bases. 
  2. Draw an A-T base pair. 
  3. If you did the paper model, upload a selfie with the paper models. If you did the virtual model, (a) take a screenshot of the models, (b) indicate the handedness of the B-DNA on the screenshot, and (c) encircle the part of the tRNA that binds with the mRNA. 
  4. Answer the thought questions related to the virtual/paper models:
    • How is the handedness of the DNA molecule determined? Use screenshots or pictures of your model to answer this.
    • Can you identify the major and minor grooves in the model? What are the functions of these grooves? Use screenshots or pictures of your model to answer this.
    • In a B-DNA, how many base pairs comprise one complete turn? How does this differ from the A and Z forms? 
    • Describe the 1o, 2o, and 3o structures of tRNA. Use screenshots or pictures of your model to answer this.
    • In tRNA, what types of bonds stabilize each level of organization?
    • Can you identify the parts of the tRNA that are crucial for translation? Use screenshots or pictures of your model to answer this.
    • Can 2o and 3o structures exist for single-stranded nucleic acids?