Integrative Paper on a Rhetorical Situation (Group Paper)

Opened: Wednesday, 9 October 2024, 12:00 AM
Due: Thursday, 10 October 2024, 11:59 PM


1. Watch the video “Union: Mass resignation of PH health workers in private sector possible” via the link .

 2. Write an integrative paper that contains your analysis of one rhetorical situation in the news video using Lloyd Bitzer’s (1968) essay “The Rhetorical Situation.”  In your paper, you should be able to:

            a. Identify one rhetorical situation from the news video;

            b. Write your thesis or major argument about the chosen rhetorical

                 situation (On your own, you should be able to discern what constituent of the rhetorical 

                 situation should be the basis of your thesis or argument.); 

            c. Explain why the chosen scene or situation is rhetorical using ideas

                from Lloyd Bitzer’s (1968) essay;

            d. Mention specific ideas from the reading material by Bitzer and the 

                corresponding scene from the news video as you analyze your

                chosen rhetorical situation; and  

             e. Be clear and concise with your synthesis of the major ideas in the

                 reading material and scenes from the news video as you push for

                 the major argument of your paper. 

3. Write your integrative paper in at most 1000 words. Use Times New Roman, font 12, double space, and a standard margin of 1 inch on all sides.

4. After the essay, write the names of the group members in alphabetical order, surnames first. 

5. Save your integrative essay in PDF using the file name YOUR GROUP Integrative P  and  upload it in the Google Drive Folder on October 10, 2024.

Evaluation Criteria

Your integrative essay is to be graded based on the following scoring system:

Rhetorical situation                                           5 points

Thesis/major argument in the paper               5 points

Explanation of the components of 

            the rhetorical situation                         15 points

Synthesis of the ideas from the reading 

             material and scenes from the

              news video                                          15 points

Language and mechanics                                10 points


                                                                             50 points