Problem Set 9: Anabolism and Integration

Due: Saturday, 20 May 2023, 7:00 PM
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General Instructions

  1. This is a group activity. 
  2. Answer the problems found below.
  3. Submit your answers in pdf/jpg formats only following the naming, Chem40_PS9_<Section>_<Group No.>
  4. Only one submission per group is needed. 


1. The “fight or flight” response is due to the release of epinephrine in stress conditions. Epinephrine induced cAMP production by activating adenyl cyclase. Determine the effect of epinephrine on the following pathways:

a. Glycogenolysis

b. Glycolysis

c. Utilization of amino acids as alternative energy source

d. Β-oxidation

e. Gluconeogenesis 

f. Ketogenesis

2.What adaptive mechanism does the cell have in ensuring steady supply of essential metabolites like glucose and ketone bodies to tissues that need them?

3.What will be the effect of the following conditions on the level of the metabolites indicated?

Condition Metabolite
Insulin deficiency Glucose-6-phosphate
Glucagon deficiency Ketone bodies
Impairment of pyruvate dehydrogenase Fats
Diabetes mellitus Fatty acids
Absence of triose phosphate isomerase Pyruvate