Quick Exercise 7: Catabolism

Due: Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 7:00 PM
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General Instructions

  1. This is an individual activity.
  2. Draw your own schematic diagram of all the pathways involved tackled so far (Minimum pathways to include are glycolysis, TCA cycle, and ETC). Show how these are connected to each other.
  3. Submit your answers in pdf/jpg formats only.
  4. Follow the file naming format: Chem40_QE7_<Section>_<LastName,Initial of First Name>. Example: Chem40_QE7_MHD_DelaCruzJ

Note: The main goal of this activity is to help you visualize and process the pathways we've tackled and see how they are related to each other. So, you can be as detailed as you want about this or not.Β