ASSIGNMENT (Asynchronous) For Day 02 Introduction to Health Systems Session

Opened: Sunday, 1 August 2021, 12:00 AM
Due: Wednesday, 9 February 2022, 11:59 PM

✍🏾 Dear FCH 260.2 Intern-Learner, 

πŸŽ— This assignment/asynchronous work is intended to equip the intern-learners with the necessary foundational material for the Health Systems discussion/session with Dr. Gabuyo. Through the series of videos on Health Systems basics by the Zuellig Family Foundation, it is hoped that the intern-learners can appreciate the Philippine Health Care System from both technical and personal/experiential perspectives. The links to the videos (6/6; approximately 30 mins total duration) are as follows:

🩸 ZFF Health Systems Training Videos:

πŸ”¬ (Video 01, Introduction/Leadership and Governance; 07:48)
πŸ”¬ (Video 02; Health Service Delivery; 05:33)
πŸ”¬ (Video 03; Human Resources for Health; 05:20)
πŸ”¬ (Video 04; Health Information Systems; 03:51)
πŸ”¬ (Video 05; Access to Essential Medicines and Technologies; 02:56)
πŸ”¬ (Video 06; Health Financing; 03:46)

πŸŽ— After watching the series of ZFF videos, the intern-learners are then asked to watch the excerpt from GMA7 I-Witness documentary "Ambulansiyang de Paa" (30:19) to reflect on and apply their learnings.

πŸš‘ - GMA I-Witness documentary (Ambulansiyang de Paa)

πŸŽ— After watching the documentary excerpt, the intern-learners (individually) should answer the following questions to serve as their anchors for the discussion/session on Health Systems with Dr. Gabuyo.


🩺 In the series of videos by ZFF, enumerate the things or characteristics (highlights, key elements, etc) that constitute each health system building block mentioned in the video.

🩺 Using the WHO Health Systems Framework that you learned with the help of the ZFF videos, what "building blocks of health" did you observe in the "Ambulansiya de Paa" documentary excerpt?

🩺 How does each building block you observed in "Ambulansiya de Paa" affect the other building blocks of health (according to the WHO Health Systems Framework)? How do these health building blocks affect the health of the patient/community?

πŸŽ— The answers to these guide questions are to be uploaded here in the VLE in PDF/document format or if unable to, this Google Drive link: - Health Systems pre-work/assignment submissions folder (AY 2021-2022)

πŸŽ— Just like the "Tulay" reflection, the answers to the assignment will be used to contextualize the session with Doc AM and will be part of the rotation requirements (historically at least 5 points - out of total grade of 100). Deadliest deadlines for the submissions are on February 09, 2022 (at the end of phase 01), but it is strongly suggested that the intern-learner accomplish the pre-work/assignment within their rotation time to avoid problems with rotation requirements at the end of the academic/training year.Β