Welcome to IDC 203 or the Art of Medicine!  This is the first course you will encounter as Learning Unit IV students.  IDC 203 is composed of 7-unit modules (Perceptions and Values in Medicine for Adults and Pediatrics, Bioethics, Legal Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence, Caregiving and Pedagogy) which used to be separate courses in the past years.  I think this course is the perfect way to start your academic year to serve as a reminder to regard our patients as a whole and not just as an illness.  

 This course is being taught by different specialists from various departments of the UPCM to provide perspective on both the adult and pediatric patients, values on patient-patient and patient-doctor relationship, as well as doctor-doctor relationship. It will also bring in Pedagogy principles of The Doctor as a Teacher, Behavior Medicine Principles and the Important Issues being addressed by Bioethics, Medical Jurisprudence and Legal Medicine.